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November 16 - 20, 2020

Time is flying by!! Only four weeks left in the second quarter. We have this week, Thanksgiving Break the week of November 23 – 27, and then three weeks when we return. I highly encourage you to take a look at your child’s grades/assignments on ATLAS and see if they reflect his/her best effort. Completing independent work at home requires self-motivation or someone in the environment encouraging best practices. Thank you for stepping in and making sure your child is on the right path.

If an assignment has earned a zero, it means that it was not completed at all. Some students have discovered they can turn in assignments, even when they are not finished, so they do not show up in the Teams page. If they turn assignments in blank, there is nothing for me to grade. You can often see messages from me in your child’s chat when this happens, but I do not send a message for every occurrence. MANY of the students are on the ball and doing all their work to their best effort every day!! (In other words, look over ATLAS and the Teams chat before having a discussion with your child.) We will be taking the WordMaster analogy test on Thursday, November 19. Your child needs to take the test during our live class time with absolutely no help from an adult or any other resource. Manchester submits the top scores from all of our fourth-grade students, and we want to make sure that our scores reflect only the students’ knowledge without references. Cameras will need to be on during the test.

Friday, November 20, we will be making a craft related to Pasquala, the book we have been reading this quarter. A small Ziplock of colored paper was sent home during the Quarter 2 materials pick up containing all necessary paper. In addition to this bag, your child will need colored pencils, crayons, scissors and glue. Everything has been provided except the scissors and glue. Please make sure your child has all the necessary supplies. We will spend the entire day planning, creating, and sharing the project.

Thank you for encouraging your child to participate and have his/her camera on during class. It is truly amazing how connected I feel to this group, even from afar.

Looking ahead...December 14 will be a pick-up day for art supplies. We will be holding a craft day before heading out for winter break, and your child will need these supplies to create the crafts.

Making the most of our eLearn experience, Lanie Huene

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