Dear Room 11 Students and Families,
Welcome to room 11! I am Mrs. Lanie Huene, your fourth-grade teacher, and I am excited about our 2020-2021 school year. This is definitely an usual start to a school year, but I love to learn and am looking forward to the challenge that we are all about to embark upon. This is a year you will be tell your own children about years from now, so let's make it an amazing one!
Our fourth-grade Manchester team of teachers work together incredibly well and have been busy this summer working to make this a successful year. In a way, you have the strengths of all four of us since we are working so closely as we develop a plan to make sure we are meeting the needs of our students.
You will be coming to school during the week of August 17 to grab a bag of materials. Please keep your eyes out for more details from Mrs. Gengozian regarding when this will occur. In your child's bag will be a social studies textbook, Wonders anthology, math chapters 1 and 2, Island of the Blue Dolphins novel, dry erase pocket with resources, California Adventure Notebook (the composition book), math journal (the spiral notebook) and a resource folder with lined paper, blank paper, and some copied resources. In addition, I have made a ziplock bag with two pens, two pencils, a highlighter, a dry erase pen, an eraser, as well as a thin and thick permanent marker. In addition, I have included a wired computer mouse for each student since we will be using our devices often and they make it a little easier to navigate.
There are a few items I would suggest you obtain for your child as it will make access to our schoolwork easier.
__ 1 pair of scissors
__ 1 small pencil sharpener
__ 1 three-ring binder (Any design/color, 1 inch size only.)
__ 1 pair of earbuds or headphones
__ 1 pencil pouch or box (Or they can use the ziplock I send home.)
__ 3x3 post-it notes
__ a gluestick
I would like to encourage you to subscribe to our classroom website,, at the bottom of the home page. When I update our blog throughout the year, it will send you an email to let you know it is available.
I would also like each family to have one person (more are fine) on our Remind group. We will be using Remind, Actionaly, email and ATLAS to communicate throughout the school year. (As the year progresses, we will see which is most effective given our eLearn situation.) Directions will come home in the resource packet, but if you would like to get signed up sooner, text @huenegater to 81010. You can also copy the link below to join.
I am looking forward to getting to know each of you and begin this adventure together. Our first class meeting will be at 9:00 on Wednesday, August 19. If you go to our class Teams page, you will see a link to the meeting in the Post area as well as on your calendar tab. PLEASE do not click on the link before 9:00, as you can start the meeting without me present. :-) Remember to create a comfortable place to sit during our classes, mute your mic upon entering the meeting, and let's get ready for some fabulously focused class time.
Looking forward to a great year,
Mrs. Lanie Huene